How can immersive technologies like VR/AR (XR) and gamification boost learning, prevent early dropouts and help businesses effectively with life long learning?
We invite you to learn, share and discuss. The output from the workshop will be input to the Nordic VR Forum 2019 Conference October 24 as well as to R&D projects.
Jan Tore Sanner (Norwegian Parliament)
Kathleen Schroeter (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute)
Kristine Kvam (EON Reality)
Siw A Hødnebø Espeland (Encircle Games)
Thomas Nordahl (Inland Norway University)
Sunniva Skjelbreid Rise (Hamar Municipality)
Carina Schoo (VRINN business cluster)
Kommuneforlaget, Haakon VIIs gate 9, Oslo
Tickets (free – limited seats)
Arena Innlandet, Hamarregionen, EON Reality Norway, 3IT – Innovation Center for Immersive Imaging Technologies
More about the event and speakers at the OIW:
#oiw2019 #vr #ar #xr